Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sleepy Hollow Analysis

The genre of this film is quickly recognised as a horror film, we soon can identify this by the use of the miss-en-scene, we see that everything is all very dark and there is low key lighting available to the audience from candles and fire, which as represent the element of danger. it also gives us the idea that this film is a horror film by the use of the the lightening which occurs on a regular basis, this also give a sense of fear and danger to the vier as stereotypically in most horror film when lightening strikes something bad is about to happen.

Another element that suggests that this film is in the horror gender is the style of music that has been used within the scene, the non-digetic music itself is tension building as it gradually gets louder, the music crescendos as the lightening hits the villains face, this is good use of non-digetic sound as we have a sense of fear when this happens. 

the camera angles which are used are also very important to give the element that the film is a horror genre, we see low camera angles which look up at the villain, this shows her power and dominance over the rest of the people in the film. We also see Long shots within the scene as its shows us where the people are and the dark graveyard setting and misty forrest suggests the typical scenes from a horror, this allows the audience to have the sense of worry and the scenes are taking place in dark places where death is usually common. 

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